The "Special Combat Academy", founded in Rome in 2005, is the only Organization Specialized in Self Defense, Training for Armed Forces, Police Forces, Private Security Forces based in Rome and present in Europe, U.S.A., Latin America, Africa. Dominvs Silvio Izzo, Founder and President of the Special Combat Academy, trains the National Directors of the countries with constantly evolving techniques learned thanks to Operations made directly on the field and to the collaboration with international elements of the Military and Self Defense fields.
Self Defense Trainer: Qualification obtained after passing the 60 hours Trainer Course. Self Defense Instructor: Qualification obtained after 3 years of teaching with the "Special" or other Federations. Firearms Training Instructor: Qualification reserved for instructors already licensed and in possession of a firearm license. Master: Qualification obtained after 9 years of teaching. T.L. - Team Leader: Regional Director, of the City, designated for the Supervision of the Group in his area. D.N. - National Director: Director designated to supervise the Group of Instructors and Team Leaders. Dominvs: Qualification reserved for the President of the Special Combat Academy who manages the activities of all Member Countries coordinating with the National Directors of all Specialties.
1st Group "Roma" - Roma. 2nd "Alfieri" - Asti. 3rd "Lupi" - Abruzzo. 5th "Victrix" - Umbria. 7th "Ombre" - Cassino. 9th "Aetna" - Vizzini. 10th "Minervia" - Milano. 11th "Superbi" - Viterbo. 12th "Phoenix" - Margherita di Savoia. 14th "Capo Leuca" - Alessano. 16th "Fretensis" - Reggio Calabria. 20th "Gemina" - Frosinone. 25th “Serenissima” - Venezia.